2025 Men's Cornhole Tournament
The Cost for Dinner is $10 per person
Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong.
1 Corinthians 16:13
First, let's be real clear about one thing...there is nothing wrong with being a MAN!
Real men love God. Real men love their families. Real men stand strong on the truth of God's word.
We believe men were created by God to be the spiritual leaders of our church, and the spiritual leaders of their families.
Throughout the year, the men of Eastern Oaks gather to fellowship as we grow closer to one another and closer to God. We host multiple events throughout the year and several outreach ministries for our community (e.g. men's softball, flag football, kickball, Men & Boys camp out, Daddy / Daughter Dance).
Check our our events page to see what we have coming up.
Real men love God. Real men love their families. Real men stand strong on the truth of God's word.
We believe men were created by God to be the spiritual leaders of our church, and the spiritual leaders of their families.
Throughout the year, the men of Eastern Oaks gather to fellowship as we grow closer to one another and closer to God. We host multiple events throughout the year and several outreach ministries for our community (e.g. men's softball, flag football, kickball, Men & Boys camp out, Daddy / Daughter Dance).
Check our our events page to see what we have coming up.
Men's Bible Study & Fellowship
Wednesdays @ 6:30 p.m.
ACt LIke Men
Men, join us here at Eastern Oaks every Wednesday night at 6:30 as we learn to live by the words of Paul in I Corinthians 16:13-14, "Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, ACT LIKE MEN, Be strong. Do everything in love."
The world does not define what it means to be a man. The world does not define masculinity. God does. We are proud to be men. We are proud to be protectors of our family and the faith. We're proud to love God and love others...and we will stand up and fight for both when necessary.
The world does not define what it means to be a man. The world does not define masculinity. God does. We are proud to be men. We are proud to be protectors of our family and the faith. We're proud to love God and love others...and we will stand up and fight for both when necessary.